Sunday, February 12, 2012

Our Lady of Lourdes (Continued)

After we got back on the road today, I realized that I'd forgotten to add a little prayer to this morning's blog post about Our Lady of Lourdes.

My husband and I, our son and his wife, and our twin granddaughters are now settled in for the night at our hotel outside Atlanta, so I thought I'd quickly post the prayer. About four hours after we leave here tomorrow morning, we will arrive at our destination: our oldest son's condo in Alabama. I'm not quite sure when I will have internet access again, as he's going to have to arrange to have that hooked up after he and his family move into their new place. So just in case this is my last post for a few days, I thought there was no better way to sign off for awhile than with a prayer to Our Lady.

Our Lady of Lourdes, pray for us.
You are the hope of sinners and the comforter of the afflicted. Through your intercession I ask for health and strength of body. Bless me with peace of mind so that I can grow in wisdom and remain open to God's will. Grant your motherly intercession to all who are sick in body, mind, or spirit. Amen.

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